General Mau, the biggest attraction here. It's the front wall to The Forbidden ciy.
Me and Anthony in front of it. We also took a group pic that we's wonderful. Paid for it, but was worth it.
Look at all those bikes!!
The white buiding is China's White House, not really very important here! :)
Just so all of you know..we have to be in the lobby of the hotel at 5:40 to go to the airport. We don't know when we are getting Olivia, but the plane ride is 2 hours and it's probably going to be raining so pray for safety for us! We are very excited and can't wait to post pics of her. Until tomorrow!!!
Wonderful pics, cant wait for that next post!
Prayers answered, you are there safe and sound and we are so excited for you to meet Olivia on Monday. Maddie is ready to meet her new "pal".
Love you and sending cyber prayers 24/7.
Jennifer, Matt, Joshua and Madelyn
Baby, you do so well keeping us up on the information and pictures even though you sound so very tired. Tomorrow, when you hold Olivia will seem like you got a shop of adrenaline!!! Wait (not so patiently) for the picture of our precious GRANDDAUGHTER!!! LOVE YOU BOTH...Neverending prayers go out to you ALL!! Momma
We cannot wait!! I know that you will be holding her in just a couple of hours...and it just doesn't seem real. We cannot wait to meet our beautiful neice!! We are thinking about ya'll every minute of the day. Our love and prayers are with you. Kristi & Cort
Nate shared with me that you made it okay, but I've been burdened all weekend for you guys, so you've been in my prayers lots. I totally sympathize with the jet lag, the lack of "american" food and soft drinks, and the crush of people that comes with traveling in Asia. In a few hours, you'll have your sweet baby girl. I'm excited to meet her. You're in my prayers!
Love, Emmy B.
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