Friday, September 21, 2007

I wore a hat for a few minutes!!

Bows we don't have much of a problem with, but hats....she hates wearing them. She would rather chew on them, but I got her to smile and take a few pics with a hat on so I had to put them on here!!

The whole cute outfit that Heather and I found for $7.00!!!

She looks so cute in hats I wish she would wear them!!

Sweet girl! Reaching for the camera!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Okay, ALL better!

Can you see it?? Yes her ear is red, but it went away quick.

Here you can see both of them if you look closely!

Huh, what are you saying??? Still nosey even after getting earrings, but those fingers made it all better!

The ladies that did it wanted to make sure they were even, so I put her on the counter and she smiled at them and grabbed that lady's keys, all was fine after that. They were all glad that she still liked them!!

See, it wasn't as bad as you all thought. Just so you know, she was laughing and smiling and talking for about 2.5 hours afterwards and just fell out at home at almost 8 for bed!! She's doing fine. She hasn't even acted like she knows they are in there!! Cute huh???
Thank you Joy for taking pictures of this "horrible" event! HAHA I appreciate it!

Mommy made me get earrings!!!

Okay, for those of you who are already saying, "Poor baby" I promise it's not as bad as it looks. I asked Joy to take these pictures as a memory, but I am glad she took them now so that I can show you how bad it really wasn't! She was already not liking me holding her head to put the marks on there, but she would've been okay if they would have gotten it right the first time!!! It took a little while to do that, so she was already ticked! Then, luckily, they double-teamed her! They told me they couldn't do that, but I am glad one lady spoke up and they did! She HATED me holding her head down and I am sure that it stung for a minute, but I PROMISE she only cried for maybe a minute...ask Joy! Anyway, I got the "diamond" earring and they look beautiful in her ears. I have always said that I was going to get my little girls ears pierced, so I did.
The significance of today is first of all it's her 10 month "birthday" but we got her on her 9 month, then today her 10 month she got earrings, then next month on the 20th my friends are having a Tea and "girly" shower for me, then the next month is her 1st birthday! Her first 8 months of life were full of nothing, but her last 4, really 5 with Christmas, of her 1st year are all special!
The other page shows her not upset, so...I love them and I am glad that I did it!!
I say I because Anthony wanted no part of it. Cameron, Joy, Ben, Ethan, Luke and Landon were there so she had support!! HAHAHA

Okay, what are you doing???

Okay already, I don't like this, hurry up and get finished!!

I know it's sad!! OUCH!!! That hurt MaMa!!

Mama trying to calm her down! Such a sad face~!

It's getting better!! But it still hurt!

1 month since Gotcha Day, I'm 10 months old!

We cannot believe that one month from today, we saw, held, touched and and became parents of our BEAUTIFUL baby girl!! Also, how amazing is it that we did all that on her 9 month "birthday??" Well, to try to explain how that day felt would take WAY too much time but let's just say that your heart can't burst open much more or you will die when your kids are born, and this way NO different. Our hearts were so full of Joy that's it's just remarkable. How do you love a little girl that you have never even held as much as we did??? God, that's it, God. He put her in our hearts and she had lived there for 2 years, so when we saw her and she saw was just like she had just come from my womb. No kidding, it really was just like that. Giving birth to my boys was the best thing that I could imagine going through, until this adoption. Olivia IS our daughter and although I didn't give birth to her, she has been ours from the beginning of time. God just made us wait a LONG time, but oh my, it really was worth the wait. I wish I could say something different there, but I can't. Everyone says it, but it is true!
I took these pictures today to send to my agency so they could see how big and beautiful she was, so I thought that you would like to see them too. She is crawling all over the house, eating dust bunnies, paper, chips and not least of all...BUGS!! I really didn't know that I had all this on my floors, so...I have to watch my little vacuum closely or there is no telling what she might eat!

She does know who we are. The other day we had her blocked off in the living room and I was in the kitchen cooking. I kept walking back and forth and would look in there to see what she was doing, well, she was watching me!! When she realized that I wasn't stopping what I was doing to get her, she yelled, "MaMa!!" I kid you not. I laughed so hard and it was so cute that I had to go and give her a big hug!! She loves it when Anthony comes in...she just jumps for joy and has the biggest grin and that goes for the boys too. Recently, her feet haven't hit the ground from 3:00-6:00 because they just keep giving her to one or the other, but they love it so I love it! I can't believe how they have taken to her. They truly love her, again, like she has always been here. They love to hold her in public, I guess she's a chic magnet or something, but I have to tell them NO!!!

She is getting braver and letting go of what she pulled up on, but she almost immediately falls on her behind, so she's not quite ready, but she's ready to try!!
She is truly a ham. She loves to laugh and jump. She is really a happy baby most of the time. People can't believe how happy she is, but hey, she's loved and taken well care of, why not be happy, right?

We are all truly smittened by her and I don't think it should be any other way!
Thank you God for this true blessing. This could only be of Your hands and we are so grateful that You used us to accompish Your plan. Help us as we raise her to learn about You and all the things You are to us and all the things that You have blessed us with, including all 4 of my wonderful children. Be with us as we are "new" parents again and let her always know that she was given to us by You, and that we love her more than she will ever know. Thank you for our 4 children and help us to be a close family, growing and loving in YOUR name!!!

Until later...

Such a happy and beautiful baby girl!

She just learned how to "zerbert" so this is her doing it!! Funny huh???

For those of you wondering, that is a bruise above her left eye, our right! She had a fall and it left a mark, but she's fine. It's already going away!! Poor baby!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Playtime with DADA

After her bath tonight, while I was getting her dressed for bed, Anthony came in the room to keep her occupied. She doesn't like to be still when we change her, so... well, she got up after I had finished and Anthony decided to play chase with her crawling all around her room and the hallway. She thought it was so fun. Wherever he went, she would follow. She would sit and wait for a minute, but then would be right behind him. One time, he was in the office helping Cameron with Math and she went to the door of every room looking for him. The ones where she is sitting up is where she had looked in the rooms and didn't see him, so she sat up to see where he was. It was so funny! She even looks pretty in white!! Oh and her hair was actually sticking-up tonight!! It's really growing fast thank goodness. Maybe not much longer we will be able to put a bow in it. I tried Sunday just to see what it would do, but it would fall out quickly!! It did however stay long enough for us to laugh at it sticking straight up on top of her head!!
Tonight we are trying to let her cry herself back to sleep, but it's not working. She sits there and cries, "Mama," for a LONG time. When I go in there, she stops crying but wants to be right next to my face. I think there is some separation issues there, so hopefully before she is 1 she will be sleeping through the night and feel secure that we are here...that is a prayer concern you could pray for. It would be very much appreciated.
Well, I will go for now, but soon I will post how she is attaching so well and things that she does. She's really cute and we are so blessed to have her. God took a long time getting her to us, but He knew what He was doing...waiting for the PERFECT baby girl to be born so that she could be part of our family!! Thanks be to God!!
Til later...

Olivia looking for daddy who left and went to help Cameron with homework!

Where did he go????

Cutie on Sunday!

Heather and I went shopping on Saturday and saw this outfit, I HAD TO BUY IT!! Of course because we found out that she is in a size 1 shoe and we don't have that many, I had to buy shoes to go with it too, but needless to say she was GORGEOUS!! We were going to take a family pictures, but Chase decided to go to a friends house and left before we could get the picture, so we just took these. I will get one of him with Olivia later!! Thought you might like to see how pretty she was!!

Mama and dada with our little girl!

PROUD dada!!

Big brother Zack with his little sister whom he thinks is the most beautiful little girl in the world!! Well, she is isn't she?? HAHA

Big brother Cam-Cam with "OO", his nickname for her!! He also thinks she's beautiful and even changed a poopy diaper by himself!!!

Mama with her long awaited baby girl!!

Needless to say, we are all in love with her and she fits into our family more and more everyday! We are so blessed, I just can't say it enough. It's just a miracle from God how adoption works, it's so hard to explain, but it's just a miracle!! More pics to come!!