Saturday, September 29, 2007

Olivia with the first and second place winners!

Close-up of Olivia and Hannah! Hannah won over all this year! Yeah Hannah!!

Full view of the beautiful girls! Don't you love the dresses??? I do!!

Our beautiful little Olivia!!

Here is Olivia with Jessi!! Jessi won 2nd overall!! YEAH Jessi! Aren't they beautiful?? Both of these girls are our youth at church, we have some really pretty ones don't we??? Love you both!! By the way, I didn't realize her head bow was that high up, so NO she didn't wear it like that on stage! :)


Unknown said...

what beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad to see her doing so much better. We were praying for her! You certainly didn't need that piece of paper to tell you that she was yours, but it sure does make you sleep better at night, huh? Also, she certainly doesn't need a trophy to tell her how beautiful she is. From what I can see, she is being told several times a day from all the men in her life ( a few women too, I bet)! She looks gorgeous in the dress, and I love the color! Give all the kids a hug for me, and tell Chase that Uncle Chris can't wait to play him again. Next time, maybe he can take it easy on the old timer!! HEHEHE! Anyway, we love you guys. Take care, and we hope to see you soon! They are all growing up way too fast as far as I'm concerned!