Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More of FCC campout

Cameron helping Alana make her lantern. He made him and Olivia one too. You paint them and put glow sticks in then and they do glow, it's pretty neat.

This little girl's name is Mae. She is from Olivia's orphanage. IT's really strange because these are the only two from that orphange from around her, that we know of, and there are about 200 in our group, so it's pretty cool!

Alana and Olivia in front of the bonfire. They needed this last year, but this year it was HOT!!!

Julie and Alana on the hayride. Isn't this a great picture?? They look so much alike it's crazy!!

Olivia is tired. It's almost bedtime and we had just gotten off the hayride. Cameron is such a great big brother. This is his favorite thing for her to do with him...lay on his should and be still! It doesn't happen much, her being still I mean, so I had to get a picture of it!! :)

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