Friday, September 21, 2007

I wore a hat for a few minutes!!

Bows we don't have much of a problem with, but hats....she hates wearing them. She would rather chew on them, but I got her to smile and take a few pics with a hat on so I had to put them on here!!

The whole cute outfit that Heather and I found for $7.00!!!

She looks so cute in hats I wish she would wear them!!

Sweet girl! Reaching for the camera!


Unknown said...

she is precious! I love hats

Anonymous said...

Oh ! How I would love to see the precious little ANGEL!! In person. This long distence is just not going to work.
All the grandkids are growing up to fast and we dont get to see any of you enough. If there was a way I could retire now I would, but 2years 6months and 6 days seems like and eternity from now. Will come over just as soon as we can next month though.
The pictures are so good and make me long to see all of you more.
Love to all of you, Dad/ Papaw Willie