Friday, July 6, 2007

WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!! We got the call at 2:45 pm from America World that we have a little girl. Her name is Chen Li Jian
Hunan Province
Born: Nov. 20, 2006...yep barely 7 months!!!! (we asked for AYAP)
In an orphanage
Last vitals were on April 10th: she weighed 5.8kg (12 pounds) and 62 cm (24.4 inches a little over 2 feet)
They say she has beautiful dark eyes and just a little hair, so no bows for a while. AWAA said she is beautiful (but I bet they tell everyone that :) We don't care...she's going to be gorgeous!!
Tentative travel dates are end of August, beginning of Sept.

We cannot begin to tell you how excited we were. I don't really remember much, except what I wrote down, and all I remember is shaking and crying!!! It's the most wonderful experience. I HATED the wait from knowing it was coming today until the call....seemed like forever!!! But it finally came.

We will have picture tomorrow, it was too late to send them tonight, so I will post them as soon as I can tomorrow. Thank you to all who prayed! All my kids were home or able to be called and my very special friends were all in town and I was able to call them!!

I have to tell you these things that just proves that she is sent to us and picked by God himself. Her birthday is my dad's only brother's birthday and he passed in 1999 it's also my new sister-in-laws birthday. Her middle name is Li and both Anthony's grandmothers had Lee as their middle name. Anthony's sister and our niece also have Lee as the middle name. I thought how neat it would be if her middle name was Li and it was...oh my goodness, I promise!! So her name will be Olivia Denae-Li. Another thing, that beautiful little girl, Alana, that I have become soo close to is also from Hunan!!! And one more thing....we got the call a day before my dad's birthday!!! All these things above makes us see even more that this is God's baby girl for us and we couldn't be happier!!!

Her brothers are sooo excited. They just can't wait to see her finally!!!!

Sooo until tomorrow....I hope I can sleep!!! WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am Jenny Markmiller, I am with AWAA as well. We adopted our daughter from China in March 2005. She is from Chenzhou in the Hunan province, she has the same surname, so I was wondering if your sweetie is at Chenzhou?? Email if you get a chance once you come down from the moon!! ; )

Anonymous said...

ooops, my email is

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your referral! How exciting!!! We are with AWAA also and came home with my sister, also from Chenzhou SWI, in December. They take such great care of the kids there. If you are interested, I have a blog with tons of pictures from Chenzhou from when we visited in Dec. There are also lots of links of other Chenzhou babies.

Congrats again on your referral. I cannot wait to see pictures!

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

Congratulations!!! So happy for you and can't wait to see pics!!


Anonymous said...

This is Olivia's MeMe. Our family called us as soon as they got the news. Needless to say, tonight will be a very sleepless night waiting to see the picture of the precious soul God has picked out just for us! God hears the prayers of his children. God teaches us patience...but it's ALWAYS worth the wait!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, congrats, cant wait to see te picture..


Cherith said...


Iseirinne said...

I'm so happy for you :-)
Finally we will have our daughters

Heather said...

We got our girls!!!!! We haven't gotten more information yet, but they would tell me that much! Enjoy every minute. We can't wait until Monday to find out more about our little Eliana, and I will be thrilled to see your pictures tomorrow! God Bless you and your family!

D said...


M said...

We traveled through AWAA last August/September 2006. Since you probably will be traveling then I would love to give advice about packing tips, etc. My sister was from Guangdong Province, so I am not sure about Chenzhou, Hunan (weather, etc). Congratulations, Olivia is BEAUTIFUL!
Maura's Jie Jie

fabienne et patrick said...

bonjour felicitation pour votre petite fille
nous sommes belge et aussi en attente d'une petite de chine pendant ce temps je realise un bai jia bei ou courte pointe voudriez vous faire partie du projet ??
je vous laisse l'adresse de mon blog afin que l'on fasse connaissance au plaisir de se lire et a très bientot
fabienne lambillon

Alyson and Ford said...

Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you!
LID 01/27/06
Where Children Come First

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Congratulations! Our daughter is from Chenzhou and we received her in March. She is so amazing. Enjoy your trip - you'll never forget it!